Scholarship recipients 2019/20

What does this scholarship mean to you?

“After majoring in a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering, I decided to pursue further education in the Construction Project Management and Business Analysis program to grasp various aspects of infrastructure skills and business development. I felt extremely privileged that I received this prestigious scholarship. I believe that I will become a productive Tibetan and inspire our upcoming youngsters to contribute to the welfare of humanity and especially our own people.”

Pema Gyaltsen
Construction Project Management and Business AnalysisFanshawe College, Canada
Scholarship recipient 2019

“My area of research focusses on the welfare state, immigration, social policy analysis, means-tested social welfare programs, and poverty alleviation. This scholarship helps me accomplish my dream of contributing to building a prosperous future, Tibet. I am forever grateful for this scholarship in particular and His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s wise leadership for Tibetan people in general.”

Tsewang Rigzin
PhD, Social policy, Columbia University
Scholarship recipient 2019

“As a stateless Tibetan, born in India and exposed to early life struggles, I am invested in immigration law because of my own previous precarious legal status and unique upbringing. Earning a legal education has equipped me with the instruments necessary to assist others to escape the feelings of helplessness and uncertainty that I knew all too well. Scholarships such as the Dalai Lama Graduate Scholarship – which funds a portion of my tuition – help lighten my financial burden and allow me to devote my time to learning and partaking in extracurricular activities.”

Tenzin Namdol
Juris Doctor, University of Ottawa, Canada
Scholarship recipient 2019

“Receiving the Dalai Lama Foundation Scholarship has relieved the financial burden of living in New York City and attending SIPA. I am humbled to enter the U.S. Foreign service after graduation and serve as the first American diplomat of Tibetan heritage.”

Tenzin Dawa Thargay
Master of International Affairs, SIPA Columbia University
Scholarship recipient 2019

“The Dalai Lama Graduate Scholarship has enriched my graduate school life by allowing me to focus on my studies and aspirations. I am very grateful to the foundation for supporting Tibetan students like me in North America.”

Tenzin Norzin
Master of Public Health (Epidemiology), University of Toronto
Scholarship recipient 2019

“I am dedicated to promoting and implementing Kundun’s vision through the excellent Social, Emotional, and Ethical Learning curriculum. For that, I am genuinely grateful for the Dalai Lama’s Scholarship committee to witnessing the potential and supporting my commitment to social service through education.”

Rinchen Dolma
MA, International Comparative Education, Columbia University
Scholarship recipient 2019

“I am immensely grateful for the generosity of “The Dalai Lama Graduate Scholarship” and the grand vision of the His Holiness the Dalai Lama. These two always help me to continue my academic journey and also remind me of the responsibilities as a Tibetan student.”

Kunsang Thokmay
PhD, Oriental Studies, University of Oxford
Scholarship recipient 2018

“In the future, I hope to create a trip abroad that funds and provides free audiological services to Tibetans in Nepal and Tibet. Thank you to the Dalai Lama Graduate Scholarship for this gracious award. I am honored and humbled to receive support from a prestigious award and organization.”

Tenzin Dasal Tarak
Doctor of Audiology, University of Wisconsin
Scholarship recipient 2019

“My doctoral research is on the cultural history of practices developed to identify incarnate lamas, or trülku (sprulsku) in Tibetan Buddhism between the 13th-20th centuries. I am planning to turn my thesis into a book. The Dalai Lama scholarship is a blessing to me. It also gives me not just the encouragement to continue my work but the means.”

Kunga Sherab
PhD, Department of Religion,University of Toronto
Scholarship recipient 2019

“At UBC, I am working on natural language processing (NLP) using deep learning techniques. In the future, I aspire to contribute towards preserving the Tibetan language through my research in NLP.”

Tenzin Jinpa
Masters of Computer Science, University of British Columbia, Canada
Scholarship recipient 2019